


欢迎来到澳门银河中学! There is a lot of growth that happens during these three years, 我们只知道你会做得很好! 当你走过中学的走廊, you will be challenged and encouraged to begin discovering just who you are. Our middle school curriculum provides rich and challenging instruction, 在与学生见面的时候. Bulloch Academy’s middle school teachers work tirelessly to prepare engaging classroom experiences to advance the students’ critical thinking and analytical skills, while helping them develop productive study habits. 

在中学时期, emphasis is placed on developing a well-rounded student, 包括培养尊重, 责任, 和国籍. 学生 are also encouraged to explore different programs related to the arts, 技术, 阀杆, and athletics as they investigate and discover their different passions. As students progress throughout their middle school years, they develop a strong foundation for success in their high school years. 学生 participate in exams at the end of each 9 weeks. 




在6日, 7th, 八年级, the 英语语言艺术 curriculum focuses on grammar, 文学, 词汇表, 和写作. A highlight of Bulloch Academy is our 文学-based curriculum. 整个中学时期, students will read a variety of novels and stories, 让他们接触不同类型的游戏, 历史事件, 写作风格. 学生阅读, 分析, and discuss different types of 文学 in a safe environment with open dialogue. 从 华生一家去伯明翰, 圣诞颂歌, 外来者, 还有更多, students will be introduced to timeless authors and titles that connect multiple subjects and themes. 

Our 词汇表 curriculum features the Sadlier workshop books. These are a continuation of the 词汇表 program utilized in our lower school and continue into our high school curriculum, creating a seamless transition throughout the various levels. 除了, 词汇表 is introduced and taught throughout each 文学 unit of study throughout the year.

学生 continue to build upon the grammar 和写作 foundation that was established during the lower school years. 学生 create various writing pieces throughout the year, focusing on strengthening paragraph writing as they move into creating longer essays.


Middle school mathematics provides a challenging curriculum that prepares students for more advanced mathematical courses. 

学生 in sixth grade build a foundation for pre-algebra and algebra that includes whole numbers, 整数操作, 有理数, 表达式, 方程, inequatilites, 成比例关系, 百分比, 测量, 几何, 和统计数据. 

Seventh-grade students partake in an advanced curriculum that incorporates seventh-grade mathematics concepts with pre-algebra, preparing students for Algebra 1 in eighth grade. 这些单位包括代数表达式, 方程与不等式, 比率, 比例, 百分比, 功能, 线性的关系, 方程组, 几何, 测量, 概率, 和统计数据. 

八年级学生选修代数1, beginning with algebra basics before moving into multi-step 方程与不等式, 关系, 功能, 线性方程, 方程和不等式的系统, 多项式与因式分解, 二次方程, 线性, 二次, 指数函数, 激进的表达式, 理性表达式. 

在所有的中学课程中, students are exposed to higher-order thinking problems that require students to think critically while creating connections between mathematics and its everyday applications. All middle school courses utilize the All Things Algebra curriculum, which is also utilized in 9th grade Geometry and 10th grade Algebra II.


The focus of sixth-grade history is on American 历史 from after 第一次世界大战 to the present era. 学生关注导致第二次世界大战的事件, 冷战时期, 民权运动时代, 越南时代, 还有最近的历史事件. 学生们还将学习作为一名美国人意味着什么.S. citizen, and what their rights and duties are as a citizen. 

Seventh-grade World 历史 begins with the study of Early Humans and Civilizations before moving into learning about ancient civilizations, 包括以色列人, 古希腊, 古印度, 中华帝国, 和罗马文明. 学生 will also learn about the major world religions, 中世纪的欧洲, 以及公元1500年到1800年的大革命.D. 

学生 in eighth grade again focus on a history of the United States, with an emphasis on specific important events in American history. Studies first emphasize the Constitution and the Bill of Rights before moving into the various important periods of U.S. 历史, 包括重建时期吗, 西进运动, 工业时代, 进步时代, 第一次世界大战, 爵士时代, 大萧条, 和第二次世界大战. 


Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, sixth grade students will study Earth 科学. 有实践活动, 学生研究地球表面, 岩石和矿物, plate tectonics and forces that shape the Earth, 海洋学, 和天文学. 各种各样的演示, 实验, 讨论, 组工作, and independent projects are utilized throughout this course.

生命科学从七年级开始教. Studies include cells and their 功能, genetics, microbiology, and the major body systems. 讨论, 视觉效果, 动手实验活动, and individual and small-group assignments are utilized to explore the basic tenets of life science.

学生 in eighth-grade science will partake in an integrated science course that prepares them for their future high school courses. 适用于2023-2024学年和2024-2025学年, students will be taught an accelerated version of Earth 科学, before delving into various concepts of life science, 物理科学, 基本的化学概念. 从2025-2026学年开始, students will participate in a full year of integrated science concepts. 


阶段1:         上午8点至9点
第二个时期:       上午9:05 - 10:05
打破:               10:05am - 10:20am
第三期:       上午10:25 - 11:30
午餐:               上午11:30至下午12:00
第四段:        下午12:05 - 1:00
第五段:        下午1:05 - 2:00
第六段:        下午2:05 - 2:55

澳门银河学生手册 & 着装规范

A copy of the most recent BA student handbook can be found 在这里 随着 初中和高中的着装要求!

活动 & 俱乐部

At Bulloch Academy there’s something for every student! We offer a wide array of clubs and activities for our students to engage in.

  • 乔治亚州公民参与中心
  • 数学小组
  • 基督教运动员团契


Bulloch Academy has partnered up with Lexington Independents to provide a fresh, 健康的, and innovative dining experience for each student. Lexington is a chef-centric culinary management company that will source seasonal foods from local farms to appeal to all ages!

Rotating menus will feature nutritional information and will be authentically prepared, putting the health and tastes of our students first!